



2017年04月24日 16:37


讲座人(Lecturer):Dariusz Wanatowski教授  


地点(Place):九里校区4210(逸夫馆)-JiuliCampus 4210


Dariusz Wanatowski,英国利兹大学岩土工程专业教授,英国注册工程师,土木工程师协会会员。1999年硕士毕业于波兰波兹南大学土木工程专业;1999至2001年间,任波兹南大学助教,讲授土力学与基础工程课程;2006年获得新加坡南洋理工大学博士学位。2006年2月加入诺丁汉大学岩土中心担任博士后研究员,研究岩土体强度和刚度的各向异性对隧道稳定及变形的影响;2006年2月至2013年1月间,历任英国诺丁汉大学岩土工程专业讲师及副教授;2013年1月被任命为宁波诺丁汉大学土木工程系主任;2016年10月起受聘为利兹学院副院长。

Wanatowski教授致力于岩土力学的试验研究,特别是砂土的应变软化及非稳特性,砂的局部应变,岩土材料强度和刚度的各向异性及中主应力对土体强度和变形特性的影响。最近,其研究重点是岩土力学原理在采矿问题中的应用。迄今为止,基于对欧洲煤炭与钢铁研究基金委员会资助的矿业项目的研究,发表期刊论文40余篇,国际会议论文50余篇。担任“Geotechnical Research”主编,“Geotechnical Engineering”编辑。

内容简介/Lecture Introduction


Prefailure instability (including static liquefaction) of granular soils is one of the most rapid and thus one of the most dangerous initiation mechanisms for landslides. Therefore, it requires special attention of civil engineers and researchers. The majority of experimental studies on pre-failure instability of sand have been carried out under axisymmetric conditions. However, most geotechnical structures such as slopes, embankments, and retaining walls, are not axisymmetric problems and can only be simplified into plane-strain conditions. A comprehensive experimental study on the pre-failure instability of a granular soil under both axisymmetric and plane-strain conditions is presented in this talk.

The differences and similarities between instability behaviour under various drainage conditions are pointed out. Practical implications of the study in analysing the failure mechanisms of granular soil slopes are emphasised.

The experimental data discussed in the seminar will shed new light on static liquefaction and pre-failure instability phenomena of granular soils, and should be of interest to academics, researchers, and engineers, or anyone else who may be interested in experimental soil mechanics.